Flickr and EXIF tags

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Flickr and EXIF tags

Post by kepPNW » June 5th, 2013, 11:15 am

Trying to come to terms with a new account on Flickr. I'm not sure how I did it, but somehow over a year ago I added tags to photos that now show up as the Description for photos I've uploaded there. Newer photos simply show the filename.

Currently, I'm mostly using Windows Explorer to add (what it calls) "Title" tags. These seem to be replicated in (again what Explorer calls) the "Subject" tag. Seems these are set into the photos as "Image Description" and "XPTitle" tag values. And Flickr doesn't give them any credence (although Skydrive does!).

Looking at the EXIF data in the ones that do get picked up by Flickr, I'm seeing tag names of "Title" and "Description" in them, as well, which brings the grand total to four tags all with the same descriptive string in them! To see this contrast in action, here are two Sets, the first with descriptions and the second without:
So my question is, is there any "easy" way to get Flickr working with the tags such as they are, and if not is there any "easy" way to transfer the "Image Description" and/or "XPTitle" tag values into "Title" and "Description"? Far, far too many photos to manually re-enter all those tags!

Back on the trail, again...

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