Warren Creek Canyon

Discussions and Trip Reports for off-trail adventures and rediscovering lost trails
ken leibert
Posts: 42
Joined: December 15th, 2008, 10:15 pm

Re: Warren Creek Canyon

Post by ken leibert » July 16th, 2009, 7:53 pm

People who would like to improve their canyoneering rappelling skills, or are just interested in a safe introduction to canyoneering should contact Matt Moore

He is a certified canyoneering guide currently guiding 5 canyons in Oregon (none in the gorge).
He provides all equipment, and his rates are very reasonable.

Ken Leibert

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Re: Warren Creek Canyon

Post by Splintercat » July 18th, 2009, 10:24 pm

Great report, Wayne! I believe that Joe the Mountain Goat posted a report from the bottom-end of this one on the old site, before we migrated to the new server. Dan is working on porting the old reports over to the new site as an archive, so we may have that report available again. I remember the photos fairly well, and I don't remember an amphitheater quite that large -- more like box canyon with a tall, skinny falls... so maybe there are a pair of big drops in there?

On your question of posting this sort of thing, well, IMO the awareness it brings creates advocates for what is there. Thanks for covering some very rough terrain for us! :)

And speaking of advocating, one of my little daydreams is that when the historic highway is rehabilitated in front of what used to be Warren Creek Falls (soon, actually), we can undo what the Highway Department did, and put a cork in the diversion tunnel, restoring what used to be -- speaking of huge amphitheaters! Must have been a spectacular sight...


Lynn, you and I are of like mind. We need trails on a few of these..! Let's start with Bridal Veil..!

Tom :)

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